Admissions are now open for the Spring 2025 and Fall 2025 intakes!

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Basic admissions requirements
Pre-application interview

1. Do you already have some training (or self-teaching) in the fundamentals of realistic drawing and painting (including digital painting) and could you potentially show us a portfolio that demonstrates your skill level?

2. Will you have successfully completed at least 12 years of school before starting the program? (Or for Quebec residents: will you have successfully completed and been out of high school for at least one year before starting the program?). Could you potentially demonstrate this with the appropriate documentation and a letter of motivation?

3. Do you have at least an intermediate level of spoken English and could you potentially demonstrate this during an in-person meeting or Zoom interview?

Program Overview

School Name: Cestar Collège - Syn Studio (693630)
Program Name and Code: Concept Art (NTL.1V)
Language of Instruction: English
Diploma Type:* Attestation of College Studies (AEC)
Accrediting Body: Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur du Québec (MES)
Program Length*: 24 months - 8 terms (10 weeks each) - 1215 hours of class time

Program Features

• Elite vocational training with relevant industry professionals

This is why you came here. To let those who have already succeeded show you the way.

• Free Cestar Collège - Syn Studio regular art and social events

Open studio life drawing, field trips, end of term student art shows and parties, art demos

Learn and improve while forging bonds with other passionate artists on the same path.

• Regular 1-on-1 coaching sessions with masters

Everyone who made it to the top had help along the way. Most had master level coaching.

• Attend industry events organized by Cestar Collège - Syn Studio (free for students in this program)

Game and film studio tours/visits, demos and workshops with world-famous concept artists, Industry parties and more.

Meet, learn from and make connections with the top people in the industry.

• Access to Cestar Collège - Syn Studio facilities outside of class hours:

School library
Student lounge
Personal storage locker
The Traditional Art Studio

The beautiful Cestar Collège - Syn Studio environment could be your everyday reality. A place to call home. A community and family that takes care of you.

Admissions Process, Dates & Tuition* - Spring 2025

STEP ACTION OR EVENT Date/Fees or Tuition Due (in Canadian dollars)
Early Application Deadline January 31, 2025
General Application Deadline (for Canadian Applicants only) February 28, 2025
Final Application Deadline (for Canadian Applicants only) March 15, 2025
Step: 1
Portfolio Application Review $25 CAD
Step: 2
Admissions interview (the in-person or zoom interview that determines if we accept you into our elite concept art training program) FREE
Step: 3
Student Acceptance and Confirmation (Inscription Fee) $25 CAD
Step: 4
Price per Term (To be paid at the start of every term) $5,500 CAD
Step: 4
Price per Term (To be paid at the start of every term) $5,500 CAD
Total tuition and fees: $44,000*

*Certain conditions apply

Some people take action while others just watch on the sidelines. It's time to decide who you are. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to achieve your dream of being a professional concept artist. Take action now instead of letting yourself wonder "what might have been"...

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."

- Leonardo Da Vinci

"If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of."

- Bruce Lee

Admission Application Form

You can start your application by following this link and filling out the application form present on this page:

Start Your Application Process